In light of today’s announcement by the UK Government and Public Health England, we would like to reassure you that Sunday’s showcase at Saffron Hall will take place while the guidance from the relevant authorities remains that there is no medical rationale to close or cancel public events at this time.
We appreciate there have been a number of rumours of ‘mass gatherings being banned’, which could be interpreted as people attending a performance at the theatre, there has been no such instruction to us or any of the venues we work with across the country from Public Health England of this.
Current NHS and Public Health England advice is that individuals are at no greater risk of contracting Coronavirus at large gatherings than they would be in their day-to-day life. Individuals only need to avoid public places if they have been advised to do so by a medical professional or by the NHS’s 111 service.
We have liaised with our hosts at Saffron Hall who share our position. Both Phoenix Theatre Group and Saffron Hall will continue to monitor Government advice. These matters are, of course, subject to change and we will update as appropriate.
In order to act in the best interests of our performers, staff and audience we will be implementing the following on the day:
- If any of our staff or volunteers are displaying any of the symptoms of the virus, or have been in contact with a member of staff who has, they will not be present at the event
- Each dressing room will contain hand sanitiser and our staff will be briefed to use this opportunity to promote good hygiene to all our performers
- All staff and performers will be advised not to greet colleagues or friends with handshakes or other physical contact
We would advise all performers, staff and audience to follow the advice from the NHS below:
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water (or hand sanitiser gel) – for at least 20 seconds
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough and sneeze
- Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
If you have any queries or questions about this statement please email